Monday, February 4, 2008

First pics

As advertized and promised here's a first short batch of pictures from Kiwiland. It's a bit hard to choose from all we have and under the time pressure of a steaming hot internet cafe but we hope it will be ok for now. So here we go:

Oneroa beach, Waiheke Island, near Auckland

Bay of Islands, Northland

The Hole in the Rock, Bay of Islands, Northland (the water is not photoshoped!)

Moturua Island, Bay of Islands, Northland (no photoshop here either...)

Right now we are in Taupo which is the lake in the very center of the northern island. We passed in places with exotic names (that won't tell you anything) as Paihia, Whangarei, Waitomo and Rotorua and we had some weird rides with strange people, including a road builder from Newcastle, a teethless Maori Reggae dude, an old sheep farmer and a very nice laid back white power couple... We've seen dolphins (with baby dolphins), glow worms, Maori Hangi and some gigantic ferns all over the place. And not even one week has passed. So now we're trying to take it easy, but I can't promise anything.

Until next time,

Good on ya...

* We strongly encourage you to google any word or name that you don't understand. It's not like we do.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you guys making good use of the camera and having such a good time.

Looks like paradise, I am truely jealous (here its just another grey nasty day, with a bit of sun popping out here and therE)

Anonymous said...

wowowoh! If we were you we´d stayed there the rest of our maybe not..but atleast until you will do.... hrmpff..
We are really glad to see that u have such a good time!!
Here it is grey nearly every day so enjoy every moment in paradise!

Take care! and dont think of us suffering here in this cold grey country.

/Hanna, Philippe, alice, theo and Izza
everybody sends hugs and kisses!

Anonymous said...

snälla säg det, det är visst fotoshoppat eller hur!! annars måste jag åka dit NU!

/Anna-Karin i Hong Kong